I have to say, it has been one horrendous week. Monday started out with slush, sleet, snow, ice, and school cancellations. The footings were treacherous. As a mail carrier, I wore chains three days in a row, and after hours of holding your body tense, in anticipation of a fall...you just become exhausted. The chains make you feel like you are walking barefoot on pebbles all day long. I started off several days this week with ibuprofin.
I also got news Monday, that Jimmie (my fellow letter carrier) had lost his dad. I knew things were bad, because on Saturday, he was in a recognizable fog of exhaustion and grief. It was rolling off of him in waves. The funeral was Thursday. Funerals are very difficult, because of the overwhelming sorrow. It batters against my spirit and I dread going to any. Amazingly, it was the best funeral I have ever attended (if one can be good). I honestly regret not having met Jimmie's Dad. He sounded like one incredible individual.
I recieved yet another email from Tyler's English teacher to inform me of his failing grade and his reluctance to participate in class. I have to admit to complete frustration in this area. I helped him study over some terms, and Tyler got a 40 on that particular test. I don't know what to do. I had Jeff call and talk to the principal to see what our options are if he fails English.
We had been to six basketball games over the weekend at a Columbus tournament. I had bleacher booty and I hadn't even been the one running up and down the court. I felt for my baby girl. During that tournament, there had been some upset between the coach and a set of parents that had been coming to a head. I got a call Sunday night to have Jenna repeat and verify a conversation, because there was going to be a Recreation Commision meeting on Wednesday. I stewed for three nights over the probility of parents fighting, unnecessary meanness, and character assasinations. Tuesday night's practice was tense, and emotions were at an all time high. There was another conversation that got blown out of proportion. I called some fellow parents to attend the meeting Wednesday to make sure all were aware of the problems and to become involved, because it concerned their daughters. My involvement was to assure that the truth would come out and that there would be no behind the scenes action taken without the knowledge of all parties involved. Those of you who know me, know I hate conflict. I would rather take a beating myself than stand up against another. It is not that I am a coward, it is that it makes me physically ill. I shake, sweat, and get sick to my stomach. I am not talking a normal reaction, but I made it through it. Jeff and I both attended the meeting and are praising God there are only three weeks left.
I am room mother of Jenna's class. Of course, her Valentine's party fell on Thursday. I made cupcakes the night before the party. I was able to work in GiGi's peanut butter cookies and came up with enough games to call the party a success.
I finally sat down Thursday evening to read some of my favorite blogs. There on the pages of Isabella Gudde's blog was the final straw that broke the camel's back. I just started bawling like a baby. Here is this 13 month old infant headed for her second open heart surgery. I called my best friend and cried. Life doesn't seem fair. I guess I am expecting God to "keep things fair". It doesn't seem right to make a little baby go through so much, when she is just starting out in life. Then I think of all the good things that have come from her situation. My best friend summed it all up when she said, "remember what is truly important...and then to enjoy it." Bella's situation made me realise how precious life is. Her parents are standing strong and preaching God's word in a time of trial. It almost makes me ashamed of my "horrendous week" woes. I am thankful for every breath, but most of all I plan to make the most of what time on earth I do have...because I am just passing through. To get the latest on Bella, hit the link to the left.
So, Friday rolled around, and we had made plans to go out with friends. I was very tempted to cancel earlier in the week, but extremely thankful I didn't. I needed to enjoy life. We went to Jim's steakhouse and I had a huge 12 oz. ribeye, baked potato with sour cream, onion rings, and helped with a pitcher of margaritas. We, then went and caught a movie. We laughed, we loved, we enjoyed life, and I feel a better person for it.
Today, I went to church with Bella foremost in my mind and heart. Her name was on our prayer list. I worshipped with my voice lifted up to Him, knowing He knows best and has His hands on that little girl and her family. Bella.....I will be in prayer on my knees tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. God is good and He will be there, too.