Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Skinny Jeans Invitation

Well, I've done it now....I've joined a challenge at my site.
You will see it is aptly named the "Skinny Jeans" challenge. The invite was for women who were having trouble fitting into their skinny jeans after the holidays. The goal is to see who can run the most kilometers in the next 180 days....I am already behind(HAHA!!), but I plan to catch up... My goal is to run atleast 60 km over the next four weeks. I am listed as SheriG. By posting this I will have to put up or shut up!!! Wish me luck...:)


Angela said...

You Go Girl!!! And good luck!

Love ya!

Angela said...

Hi again!
I tried to click and scroll down on the skinny jeans challenge to find your name, but it isn't scrolling. Am I doing something wrong?